Friday, February 29, 2008

Virtual Communities

Welcome to my fourth blog. This blog give me the opportunity to introduce to you the value of social networking and demolished the stereotypical image, of them being used to those who are some what “virtual geek”. The main reason for these misunderstanding is mainly due to the fact that these communities were establishes for the more professional associates, like scholars and scientist, to discuss certain matters which intrigued their society. Howard Rheingold gives a more about the evolution in his book.

However we have seen the renaissance of virtual communities hit the extreme in recent years. To enlighten you more on the subject I will give you my own personal view on the matter. I began my own exploration on the matter when one night I happened to be watching the Richard & Judy show and they brought up the topic of Second Life. I was fascinated to hear the wonders of this world and the illusion of this second chance in life, in my opinion virtual community is a bit of an understatement is more of a “Virtual World”.

I decided to investigate my desire to learn more, so joined up without a second taught. I chose my Avatar (human image) and begun my journey straight away. To my amazement I discovered that you were able to establish a full working business and make real money using the exchange of the Linden Dollars. At present there is a woman who is making millions on selling clothes to Avatars in her virtual store. Taking to thinks to a different level a read an article in the paper weeks after to find that these two people meet on Second Life married their Avatars and then married in real life.

There is so much more amazing fact to discover to join up and lets hope i see you there.

Video Demo

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